Every Building: Efficient & Powered by Renewables
An avalanche of jobs. A HUGE impact on climate change.
Two years ago, we were inspired by the possibility of revitalizing communities through the green economy. We wanted to make a big impact on climate change, create jobs, and make communities energy resilient. (This was just after Superstorm Sandy.)
We knew about PACE, a breakthrough program that was solving the problems that have stopped building owners from using clean energy. So we started New Jersey PACE, a 501c3 nonprofit, and learned about PACE in other states.
PACE creates a "virtuous circle." Private investors lend tens of millions of dollars to property owners who save money by upgrading to clean energy, with no government subsidies or give-aways, at no cost to the public. Millions of tons of carbon pollution are avoided each year. Contractors get more work and create local jobs. Employees earn money and spend it locally. The environment is cleaner. Communities thrive.
We've developed an open, transparent program to administer PACE in the public's best interests. Up to now, we've been self-funded. We're asking for public support to get us through the launch of our first projects, after which user fees will sustain us.
Please invest your tax-deductible charitable dollars to help pay for startup costs, educational outreach, expanded program development. Read more, below, about what we're doing and why it's important. Share this with friends and colleagues. Create your own personal fundraising page. Win our contest. If you can help in other ways, call us. Thank you for supporting New Jersey PACE!
—The New Jersey PACE Team
What is PACE?
PACE financing is based on a 2012 New Jersey law that allows property owners to pay for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects through a Special Assessment attached to the property, not the owner, and repaid through the municipal tax mechanism. Here's PACE explained in 90 seconds.
How does PACE work?
Because PACE provides 100% long-term financing on favorable terms when other credit is either not available or is too costly. Most projects are cash-flow positive from day one. PACE financing is not based on the credit worthiness of the owner but rather on the cash flow of the project and the improved value of the property. with off-balance-sheet financing that’s transferable upon sale. Property owners pay over a term of 20+ years (based on the average usable life of the improvements). PACE financing is transferable upon sale, does not increase debt on the owner's balance sheet, and allows the owner to pass both payments and savings through to tenants with typical leases. PACE makes it profitable for property owners to "do the right thing."
What is the role of New Jersey PACE?
We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization which serves as a program administrator for Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing. Upon application, we assist property owners, contractors and local construction lenders by processing each PACE project from design to funding to final certification. By using best practices from other state programs, including standardized forms and procedures, we keep paperwork and costs to a minimum.
Why should you support NJPACE?
Because we can make a major difference in reducing carbon pollution while also reducing energy costs for NJ businesses. We’ve chosen to focus on our biggest opportunities: buildings (which use more than 70% of our nation’s electricity!) — with a focus on the biggest users, commercial, industrial, institutional (hospitals, colleges, and churches), and multifamily properties such as apartment buildings.
We’ve created an open, transparent platform for identifying financing packages that solve the problems which have stopped property owners from making necessary energy upgrades. NJPACE supports clean energy in areas where it wasn’t economically feasible before.
Where will my donation go?
We'll use it for educational outreach, engineering assessments, and operating costs and for the launch and roll out of our first projects. We currently have 20 interested towns with 5 ready to proceed after our launch.
With your gift of a tax deductible donation, New Jersey will be one step closer to being a leader in our nation for clean energy! Thank you for your generous support.
Here's what we will accomplish through your support: